Sunday, November 9, 2008

rachofsky house by richard meier


SINdicated said...

Hi, I'm an architecture student and I am working on a model of the Rachofsky House. I saw your rendering and was wondering if you could point me in the direction of some well drafted plans. My model is due next week so your speedy response would be greatly appreciated! Thanks for your help!- Nick

Unknown said...

Hello, I'm Jiji and I'm majoring in architecture. I'm trying to learn about Ricard Meier by modeling. It's honor to see this gorgous sketch up work. I was wondering if you could show me well drafted plans since I really need that but tough to get it. So it would be sincerely appreciated if you help me. Sketch up file would be even perfect. is my email adress, I'll awit your response. Thank you so much.


Hi, great work on the 3D models! Just wondering if you have any architectural plans of Rochofsky House? I am developing a 3D model for school, project due end of the week. So far, have been relying on photos! Many thanks!

shan ting said...

Hi, I would like to know more about the lightings. Can you tell me more about the play of transparent and translucent elements in this buildings? I hope to hear from you soon, as its kind of urgent. Thank you!